
Hello my name is Ezekiel Solano I am in the DATA program in Ed White Middle School.Here are some things about my school there is a lot of people but it never gets too crowded in the halls and if it does get crowded you can go through the courtyard.And i like some more things about the school like The teachers are nice, There is a lot of space to walk around outside,And the coaches are nice when you are good.Also here is where the school is located.

Some things about me are that I make a lot of jokes,have a lot of friends, and is pretty smart in my opinion.And I was told I am very creative and am very imaginative person.And I use photoshop,  Adobe, Sketchup, Blender, and Google drawings for most of this stuff so you can check them out:Adobe Photoshop Google Drawings Adobe Illustrator Adobe Animate Sketchup Blender.