I make in my freetime

also known as plugs for my stuff

I have multiple ways of sharing my creations, and share most of them. These are my accounts.

My main way of sharing my animations is on Scratch. I mostly make animations, but recently I've been trying to get into the music industry, by changing some sounds in a few songs, and, although it's rare, sometimes I make games, too. Please go follow me so I can be happy. My username is "soninjaalopez".

A way I also share things is on YouTube (like a normal human being).  Obviously, I have the school account, but I also have my main account. The username is "Luigiphin YT", and please subscribe. I also post some of my song remixes, gameplay, and of course, some animations. In my school account I have a list with my sister, my main and friends, so subscribe :D