Alex López Orozco


Hello, and welcome to my Middle School digital portfolio! This is a project made in my multimedia class and AV Tech (A.K.A. technology), showcasing everything I've made throughout the years, hope you like it!


Here is a portal to all of the portfolios made by 6th grade data 2022 (this is the best one) (<- don't tell anyone i said that):

2022 Portfolio links

Found a issue in this webpage? Let me know!

Like all things, this website is not perfect and never will be. However, you can still help improve it! If you found any issue, please do NOT hesitate to let me know!

Note: If you're not in my school district, you can't see it

Also, this is just for fun, but there is a secret hidden in this website. Here is one hint: ඞ. Good luck! ;)