Multi App

This is my finishing touches of the paint pot with all the colors and even the magic and mute and image with all I completed the paint pot.  

Example:Image Above

This Is my blocks for Paint Pot it show what i put or the things I added for the paint pot on the left this is another thing that is finish and complete.

There Is really nothing to do just add the ball and the speed that's it.

like i said really nothing to add just this.

Like ball bounce there is really nothing to add I just add the text to speech and Accelerome terSensor to it and boom🎇

Again really nothing to add but just this.

This is my hello spider-man Like the other really nothing to add all you have to add is the sound and vibration.

Like i said really nothing to add

QR Code

This is My QR code from MIT App Inventor,Try it out and if you want me to fix something let me know on my