3D Models

Here are all of my 3D model that I have made and some videos I have made of 3d models.

These two are my painted 3d house rendered as a PNG in both SketchUp and Blender.

This is my unpainted version om my 3d house and to do this followed the instructions on google classroom and  Mr. Hicks website

modern art 2 graded logan labarre 230228.MP4.mp4

This is my finished modern art 2 video that i rendered in blender and i really like it but it was annoying setting the keyframes in the perfect spot.

Simple updated House Sketchup Animation house logan labarre.mp4

This was my first attempt at making a video, Emphasis on attempt. this was pretty hard to make and looking back on it I'm not sure if it should stay here because of its mistakes.

230130 Simple House Logan Labarre.mkv

This was made and rendered in blender and was how I learned how to use blender keyframes which I have used in every video after this.

second modern art 1 graded 230227 logan labarre0001-0300.mp4

This is my video of my finished modern art 1 and I really think you can see all the details and at least in my opinion it came out good.

This was my very first try with SketchUp and it was for a grade and the hardest thing at the time was perfectly lining them up with each other.

modern art blender video 1.mp4

This was when I made a video of my early draft of modern art 1 which I think turned out okay but you cant see any details because blender doesn't show lines.