My Memoir

Tik Tok

I was just 7 years old, clueless and playing Barbie's upstairs in my room. My sister, Emery, was addicted to tik tok at the time and always followed the trends. Whenever Emery was downstairs in the kitchen while she was cooking she would do the renegade and I always laughed and got hit in the arm, thankfully not the head or face. 

Whenever I was playing I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and walked over to answer it. I was about to get there until someone was banging on my door. “Coming,” I yelled as I ran to get it. I slowly opened the door. It was my sister and she looked like she hit the jackpot. She asked, “Atlee, will you please be in my tik tok?”

At first I said no, but she didn't want to get taken down without a fight so I said yes. She came right up to me, knocked my Barbie doll from my hand, and dragged me to the upstairs living room.

She acted like I was her dog, and told me to stay still. It took her 7 tries for me to stay still and not run away to play with my Barbie. She put on the Say So song by Doja Cat. She loved the artist Doja Cat at that time. Soon after that, she started dancing.

Whenever she started dancing I was confused, but whenever the song went like “didn't even know it your punch-” WA-BAM. She had punched me straight in the nose. I was bleeding, and bleeding hard in fact. It hurt really bad too.

I started crying while I heard my parents come up. My mom said, “is everything okay?” My brother also came upstairs. My dad saw I was bleeding and was worried. My sister ended the video and looked at my parents that wouldn't even look at her, and only looked at me. My mom looked at my sister and said “Emery! What happened? Was there a fight?”

My sister and my angry parents went downstairs with me. My sister said “we were doing a tik tok.” My parents believed her like they always do sadly. Whenever my parents got an ice pack for me I saw my siblings laughing like hyenas, but the strangest thing about it was they never looked me straight in the eyes.

My sister never apologized for what she did and still laughed at me like a meme. She had posted the video later in the day and I was nervous. I was so scared that my 3rd or 2nd grade classmates would call me names. I got worried about what would happen at school the next day, and what it would feel like to be a walking embarrassment. 

My mind went blank as I watched the video over and over and over again. She was evil, horrible even. That pest posted that mean video and I was not happy about it.  “I'll get pay back,” I whispered to myself. Later that day,  I crept into Emery's room and took some bright neon lightning earrings that I didn't know if she wore them or not. I hid the earrings under my drawers and laughed.

A few days later Emery was looking everywhere and everywhere she looked was like a dead end. She finally asked if I took them and I said “no i don't have earrings.” She gave up a few days later, and I still have the neon earrings from that one day.


My persuasive Essay

Online forms

Have you ever got a form and forgot to give it to your parents? Then, you remember the next day right as they aren't there? Well I believe that forms should be online or emailed to the parent. The parent can see immediately and could respond at any time quickly. Also if we have online forms instead of paper forms then we can have more opportunities for the future ahead.

 Forms can be a waste of paper. More than 9 million pieces of paper are used to collect this information each year. Most organizations handle 4 to 10 pieces of paper for each participant per year, including emergency, contact and medical forms, waivers, consents and terms of use. There could be over 300 students in school and getting a form for them would cost a lot of trees. The average cost of managing paper forms is $5 per-child. The paper is very fragile and can be hard to keep because of pets, water spills, food crumbs, getting thrown away by family, etc.

Emailing the parents allows the school to save money. The school could afford more field trips, parties, and equipment. It could also cause the school to have an upgrade like more electronic abilities or safer supplies. The school could be down in money and now could afford the possible debt it could have been in. All the money saved by not using paper could make the school look better and thrive more to make it a better school.

Anything could go wrong. If they are begging their parents to sign the form then they could miss out on studying for a test or doing homework. It's common for parents to improperly fill out forms, from writing answers in the wrong field to missing sections and making mistakes. Or worse, quickly writing critical details, like an allergy or a medical condition, in handwriting that is illegible.

So, if we have online forms instead of paper forms then we can have more opportunities for the future ahead, and the school can save money and instead of the teacher talking about field trip forms they can teach more to not let the class fall behind.