240124 Simple House Scene Animation Taylor De Marigny.mp4

SketchUp House : 3D House

We made our houses in SketchUp using 3D Models like rectangles and circles. To make the video that you just watched we used what is called Screen Pal and Mr. Hicks will tell you what that is somewhere around Week 20. We also used tools like the Arc tool, Paint Bucket, Offset, and more that you will learn about later in the year. To make the foundation we used the rectangle tool and then made two together and then used the Eraser to to erase all the lines that connected the two rectangles together to make it nice and neat. We also used the Push and Pull tool to make the house big, which is also how we made the windows stand out. Now if you are observant and saw the little light above the door you might be able to see it does not have a light bulb which I had previously tried to make a lightbulb to make a perfect sphere and the attach a cylinder on top of it, but I scrapped that idea because it was proving to be really difficult. 

Dimension : House Views

Adobe Dimension : Full House View

This is another version of my Adobe Dimension house but this time you can see the whole front side of the house. Now if you are wondering why my windows are pink instead of blue it is because the transparency of the blue sometimes breaks it. It renders it to make it look more realistic using photons to bounce of the object and make it realistic and it allows it to be able to have a shadow.

Adobe Dimension : Front House View

This is the house rendered in Adobe Dimension which is basically making 3D models look well 3D! Now you might be wondering as to why the windows are pink it is because for some reason blue breaks Adobe Dimension because apparently has a little bit of transparency which Dimension is not okay with.


240212 House Spin 3 Second Taylor De Marigny0001-0090.mp4

Blender : 3 Second Video

This is the fast rotation of my house that we made in Blender which was a quick 360 around the house. So how I made it 3 seconds was I keyframed it by adding a keyframe at the beginning which started at 0 and then added another one at 90 that said 360 and then you just play and it is a quick 360 rotation of the house!

240212 House Spin 10 Second Taylor De Marigny0001-0300.mp4

Blender : 10 Second Video

This is the fast 360 rotation of my house and then it is slowed down to go back to the start. So I did the same thing that I did on the 3 second video except this time the amount of frames was 300 instead of 90. I then I added another keyframe at the end which was 300 so it would go fast and then slow down at the end.  

Blender/ SketchUp : 3D House

This does not look much different from Adobe Dimension for now but there will be a later result that spins. Although personally for now I say that Dimension still looks better than Blender.


SketchUp : Cubes

These are my cubes that we made to get us started with Sketchup. Also the name at the bottom was the start of my name which I tried to make it look like a house but I did not finish. Now if you are wondering who that guy is his name is Casey and he started using Sketchup when he was our age and it is also made to show how big your object is because it is very easy to make something that seems small but then you orbit around and realize it is half the size of the Earth. Casey is also 2D which means he will look at you no matter what angle you are looking at him from.


Final 3D Model Spin

This is my final version of my 3D model spin for my model that we made as a part of the 3D model unit.

SketchUp : 3D Model For 3D Printer

So this is the first 3D model that I made that might get printed but I highly doubt he will. I decided to make it look really wonky by curving edges to make it looked weird.


SketchUp / Blender : Original Camera Movement

This camera movement is kind of dizzying according to Mr. Hicks so this is just the original.