Hello welcome to my website, my name is Taylor De Marigny and if you somehow manage to pronounce my last name correctly color me impressed. I am in 6th grade DATA at Ed White Middle School and this is my portfolio that will be holding all my stuff that I have made in different apps and what my different classes are. Let me give you some details about DATA. So for starters all DATA classes are honors which means they are a little bit more advanced than regular classes. One of the two tech classes that we are doing is Multimedia which is where we are making this website! This is also kinda random but I love vector art (you will learn about it in Tech Apps) and I will be leaving the link in Vector Art below if you want to check it out. ALSO I have a question for all yall in DATA do you call it da-ta or DA-ta? If you are also like me and can never remember what DATA stands for it is Design and Technology Academy.Â