
                                                                                                                                                                                               About Me:

Hi my name is Ava Boswell and, I go to DATA At Ed white middle school. My Experience at DATA has been really good. I have made so many friends over the school year. Some  of my favorite hobbies are to paint, draw, and play with my cats and dog. I have one sister. She will be coming to data Next year with me. if any of the 5th graders are Thinking of coming to DATA I think they would really like it here. My two favorite classes here at data are math and multimedia. I like math because I have been good at math since I was a kid. Then I like Multimedia because we do a lot of 3D modeling in that class.  

                                                                                                                                                                               About DATA

DATA is a magnet program for advanced kids to go to. DATA is located at Ed White middle school here in San Antonio Texas. At DATA the teachers are amazing at what they do. They make sure that we are safe and that we are getting the education that we need. Just DATA it's self is amazing. At DATA kids learn so many thing that other kids probably don't. Here at DATA to to main classes are App tech and multi media. In App tech we work with 2D shapes. And In Multi Media we work with 3D shapes. If you are thinking about coming to DATA then I recommend that you do.

                This is a photo of Ed White middle school.

This is a picture of where Ed white is located