This is a page of my favorite things, hope you enjoy!! :)

221013 My Favorite Things -Marina Arciniega(VBR16).mp4

Essay that shows my favorite things


         Sitting on a chair for 6 hours straight

         Video games


Places I want to go



         Yellowstone Park






Guess what? My name is Marina Arciniega I am 11 years old and I will be writing this essay for my multimedia class, this class helps with my computer skills. Anyways now I will be moving on to my first paragraph.

Hobbies: one of my hobbies is Sitting on a chair for 6 hours straight. in my opinion it is very fun and easy to do all u need to do is get a chair and sit down and while you are sitting, you can do many things as well, for example you can watch videos, play video games and much more.  My second hobby is video games, in my opinion. I think video games are very fun because I can do things, I can’t do in the real world it also helps you imagine fictional characters/places. Most people can agree that it’s kind of addicting like coffee “yummy” video games are also educational for example you can learn types of fish types of wood and much more my favorite video game is Roblox and the best games to play on there are royale high and evade that’s my opinion. And my final hobby is art, Art has been one of my hobbies since I was 4 when I started drawing stick figures to be honest it looks like random squiggly lines. Trough out the years I have been getting better my biggest flex is that I can draw hands, I’m so cool I can also draw faces, feet and potatoes.


Places I want to go to: Mexico because I want to visit my family and eat my grandmas delicious food I personally like her cheese tamales they are SO good another one of the reasons I want to go to Mexico is because of the beautiful sites and the people, people there are so nice and helpful. Japan, I would like to go to Japan because I want to learn about their culture and food. I want to go to Yellowstone Park because I want to so Animals and how they live I feel like it would be interesting to learn about how animals act and how they live.


Food: l like pizza because of how cheesy and its nice and savory I also like hamburgers because they are just so tasty l love all the ingredients from the bread to the tomato, cheese, lettuce, patty it makes the perfect food. Fries are SO crispy and salty “yummy”.


And this concludes my essay thank you so much for reading this.