231116 My Favorite Things - Jovanni Villarreal (FINAL).mp4

All headers used in this video were created using "Adobe Premiere Pro".

This image is used as the introduction image in my "My Favorite Things" video above. This image didn't take me too long but it did take some time and is my second favorite.


I chose this topic for myย  "My Favorite Things" video because there are so many cute animals in this world. Now about the header, this header probably took me the longest because of the crystal-esc look and it is my favorite header of the four.(The third animal picture of a "llama" is actually a goat and I apologize but my google search said it was a "Baby llama".)ย 

My top three animals are:


I chose this topic for "My Favorite Things" because I am a little Big Back who loves many different foods. This header was probably the second easiest to make because I just wanted a sort of water effect and is my third favorite

My top three foods are:


I chose this topic for "My Favorite Things" because there are so many beautiful places on our earth. This header was definitely the easiest to make and the reason for that is that I was kind of rushing it because of the deadline and it is my least favorite just because the others are better.

My top three places are:


This is all of the images together just not in a video, so it's basically a slideshow. This slideshow includes: