About me

Hello my name is Adrian Sanchez and I am currently a DATA 6th grade student I like technology very much and want to become a game developer and I am a huge gaming nerd so I know a lot about video games and play a little too much games I mainly like tower defense games (A subgenre of strategy games) but I also like platformers if you want to friend me on any type of game you can email me at asanchez0829@stu.neisd.net  Other things I am interested I like many board games and card games such as monopoly Pokémon cards Dungeons and dragons Chess etc... and I also want to someday be a game dev and I will probably use either python,C++,Or even Java Other things I like to do is read weather its digital or physical I like to read my favorite series being diary of a wimpy kid which is a book series made by Jeff Kinney (Also the guy who made the online - game poptropica)I also like to read lord of the flies it's a chapter book about kids who got stuck on an island. And yeah  thats all i have to say about me right now! be sure to come back soon for updates!