This is where you can see the android apps I made

So recently we have been working on an app with a bunch of (I guess) other apps inside it. We've been using a Kindle Fire to see if the apps work or not. So if your wondering the app names are, Codi, Talk to Me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, And finally Paint Pot. (and right now I'm working on a calculator)

The most important MAIN app we created is called Paint Pot. So I spent a lot of my time on paint pot and the way we coded everything was with something called Blocks so here is a picture of the blocks.

Scan this QR code if you wanna see my app your self!

No this is not a virus please trust me but if you dont then thats ok

Here are some images of my app

Home Screen

About Page

Ball Bounce

kind of like a dvd logo screen saver but a ball that you can drag

Hello Codi

Talk to me

Digital Doodle

Paint Pot