My favorite things

These are some of the games me and my family play and here are some sports I like and here are some movies that I watch.

Here are some things that I made for a video I was going to make

This is my least favorite background it is just not the best I thought I could do better. It just doesn't look right.

This is my third favorite because it looks like a glitch but I could do better the design is so original and plain.

This one is my second favorite because it looks like fire and water is hitting each other but the green in the middle is odd

This is my best one. I like it because it looks like a pokemon and its not something you will see every day.

this is my friends portfolio.

Braden Valero👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻

Chris Ramirez🏈


Ryu Crabtree🦀
