Android Apps

Multi App 

We have been making a Multi App software in our Multi Media class.  We have made apps where you can talk to your phone. We have made apps where you can draw on different artboards. If you want to try it out for yourself you can scan the QR code on the left. 

Menu Page

The Menu Page has all the apps is my software. We added custom backgrounds and added many different buttons to take you to different places in my app.

Background Image

I used photoshop to create the image. All I had to do is create a gradient and swipe across the screen in MANY different directions until I found the background I wanted.


I coded the main screen so that the buttons actually work. So to save time I'm going to show you how it looks.

Code 💻

Paint Pot

This was the hardest app to make ever. But it was so fun to make.😢


Coding was hard to do because there was SO MUCH CODE but I did it, and I want to show you how it looks.