Robot ( Nanny Nora)

I made Nanny Nora to help all the parents out there. I want to give people more of a break. I feel that sometimes parents don't have enough time to themselves, and I want to change that. I think that most people don’t feel 100% all the time and need a break , and sometimes you don’t get that break with having kids. I made this bot to help your kid grow, when you need your time.Once I had a friend of mine that was a single parent. She was always late and could never get a break. She gave her kids away because she thought they needed someone better, and she went through a depression for a while after that.this can be  I made this so no one has to face pain like that because you don't think that you can take care of your kidI want you to know that there's always a solution to a problem and that is Nanny Nora.For 850$ check out any internatasl sto