Tech apps

230105 GS 3P Morales Alexa 018


This was simple assignment that we had it to do, it was a graded assignment that was pretty easy we had it to have 3 slides and I wrote what is my favorite class and why and what we will do in this 2023.

230206 GS 3P Morales Alexa 024 FINAL


This was one of the stress full work just because this grade will be very important it will be 50% of your grade in skyward. This presentation had it  to be 3 minutes long put I successfully did it.

230106 GS 3P Morales Alexa EC012

Extra Credit 

This was one of the fun extra credit assignment I have ever done. I made a comic stories of people saying what sport they will be good at and the tops its their names 


In tech apps with practice how to type we use typing we learn how to use are fingers and to type faster than you normally used to type it shows you how fast you type, shows you the accuracy and the key letters you are having problems with with considering to practice on those.

 here is a link to you trying it out >>>>>>>>