My Robot

Welcome to the "My Robot" page. Here, I'll be posting information and designs of my robot that I created in my A/V Tech class. In, A/V Tech, we are required to create our very own robots with different functions, uses, abilities, and designs.


This is my robot. My robots name is GameBot. I created GameBot in Adobe Illustrator in my A/V Tech class.


February 5th, 2024

This is the GameBot logo, which I also created in Adobe Illustrator


February 5th, 2024

This is the pricing, unique features, and a bit of information ab0ut GameBot. I created this in Adobe Illustrator, just like the robot and the GameBot logo.


February 5th, 2024


- Additional Info About GameBot -


Functions / Abilities :


GameBot can change color to match the games and maps you have selected. GameBot has many different types of games, such as : satisfying, parkour, survival, creative, and games that can help you with different subjects in school.