My Robot

I made a robot in this class and I called it the "StarBot." As you may know already It can clean your house, protect it, and it can store your stuff in its stomach!

Elevator Pitch

Hi my name is Krysthel and today im going to show you what StarBot is and can do. Some people have dealt with not being able to clean their house when they're away or because they're too busy. And people can be so protective of their house because everytime they left they would've thought someone was going to break in. But the StarBot can let you free of all these worries. Not only can it secure your house and clean it, but it can store things like food, clothes, shoes, etc. So if you are ever too protective of your house or don't want to clean your house, or even if you don't have enough space to put things away! StarBot can help with all of that. Also, StarBot has a secret customizable setting where you can change its color.  Thank your audience for their time and attention. Thank you for listening to what The StarBot is and can do. Don't forget you can buy it for $139.99.