Shoe AD  campaign

The speed runner shoes - $30

Very comfortable and good design.



5/5 stars  very comfortable, cheap and good quality.


4./5 stars  I like the design but the quality could be better but over all it's nice.

Foam Shoes - $20

Very comfortable, adds two inches to your height and an okay design.



4/5 stars  very comfortable, cheap and good quality. But i don't like the design


3/5 stars  I don't like the design and the quality could be better but over all it's nice.

Elevator speech

Hello, I work at the MK corporation. I help people who need shoes by providing great quality shoes by expert designers who have played sports who will make comfy and fashionable shoes. Once I have seen this guy who couldn’t get new shoes because of the price and he had these really old messed up shoes and he told me that he needed to walk 10000 steps to get to his job everyday and his feet usually got sore at around 5000 steps everyday because of his shoes   I decided to help him by giving him some new shoes  and I asked if we could meet again tomorrow to see if he likes the shoes. The next day he told me the shoes were really comfortable. And that he could walk 20000 steps now with his feet barely getting sore. I gave him a discount for the shoes and he gave me the money as it was cheaper than other shoes after that I left to get to my work. My targeted audience is people who need shoes. My product is valuable to them because it is cheap, fashionable and comfortable.  For more information you can go to or scan the qr code.

Thank you for your time and attention.