This page will showcase my app being worked on in a program called MIT App Inventor.

Don't know what MIT App Inventor is? Here is a link that will show you what it has.

This is the page that you will take a view of my app that I am working on. This page will include my Paintpot App. And some others that I have been working on.

My Paintpot app so far...

This app is called Paintpot that we are working on. This is an app that allows people to draw on a coloring page like the one in the picture. We soon added some cool features to this app that were never made before.

My skills that I did on this app.

This is my app when you first take a look at it. As you can see that I customized the buttons to all sorts of crazy colors. For the background screen. I made a gradient background in Photoshop which looks so crazy when it goes together with the buttons.

The code that I used to make Paint Pot

This image shows the blocks of code that I used to put together Paintpot. So, this is a very complex code because I just added

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