Core Classes

Our core classes are science, ELAR, Social Studies, and Math. Science is taught by Mrs. Nuckolls, ELAR is taught by Mr. Wayment, Social Studies is taught by Mrs. Stubbins, and Math is taught by Mrs. Starr-burt.


In science our most recent project was a Mars project. The two pages above are what we had to do. We had to write a case report as you could probably see because it says that and I wrote the paragraphs for temperature and research.

Another thing we did recently in science is we read this book, "Georges Secret Key to the Universe" We read a couple chapters at a time and then Mrs. Nuckolls would assign us an assignment and we would have to answer questions or do other stuff for the chapters that we read.


In ELAR we were supposed to choose between 3 books and those 3 books were Tom Sawyer, A tale of Two Cities, and Alice in wonderland + Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There. Theres 2 alice in wonderland books but they count as one together because they are both short books. We also have to do some related reading for Tom Sawyer and the Alice books. After we finished reading certain chapters we would have a quiz on those chapters. 

This is the book I chose. It has both of the alice books in this one book. It's by Lewis Carroll and it is really good!! We also have to write stories and essays and stuff and I will add my writings down below.

LILYANA KELSO - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

Social Studies

Social Studies is really fun, we learn so much in there. Something that we do in there is we have map tests on areas of the world. The most recent map test we have done is the Western Europe map test.

LILYANA KELSO - Narrative Retelling 2023 Hatchet
LILYANA KELSO - My Persuasive Essay 2023
LILYANA KELSO - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023

This is what the Western Europe map looks like. We also do a lot more in Social Studies tho! We learn about the government, economics, factors of production and a lot more.