Want a challenge and reward 

data will Give

By: David

D esign

A nd

T echnology

A cademy

For 5th Grade family's

I am in 6th data and in data it is all honors classes it is very challenging and it is a good program and it teaches you  how to code use all types of adobe and use blender and code games and more it is amazing that I got to go to this school. It is hard but a great school

I am David Leon Cardozo and this is the end of my portfolio but I will tell you about me.  And some of my favorite things one is Dungeons and dragons/pathfinder these are my favorite game of course these will change but for now these are my favorite.

 my favorite animal is a liger and a liger is a breed of a  tiger and lion,  more is lions and I just like them because they are cool and that's it  and panthers.

 and finally my favorite books are Matilda I used to read it every day, hatchet is  cool too because it shows a lot about surviving and charley and the chocolate factory.