This is my average typing score in my tech apps class.

 About every month we do a typing test as a class as a part of out Tech Apps grade.

This is  a test to see if you duck.

               ⬆️This is is something I like......⬆️

⬅️This is a list of some famous babies⬅️

I made this wonder woman star in mr Gonzales's class, for one of our assignments.

This was another assignment we did. It was so much fun!

This Slide show was an Extra Credit assignment in Mr. G's class and we were able to decide the topic of our slideshow. Mine is one of many many funny ones!

230111 GS 8P Chiara Baker EC012

This is my presentation that I made for tech apps about staying safe online and online shopping and holiday scams. I also had to present this infront of the entire class.

230202 GS 8P Baker Chichi 024 FINAL

Here is all of the pixel art I did.

Lately in Photoshop we have been testing out some tools... here are some of my finished assignments: