Core Classes


Here are all of the writing pieces I have made for Elar.

This is my Persuasive Essay that I made for Elar.


Some people might think that exploring space is really cool and all, but is it worth millions and billions of dollars to explore? After all this time, we have been working so hard to make it to space and we even tried our hardest to get there before other countries did. Why? Just to beat the Soviet Union? To look tough in the Cold War? What is the reason for all of the money wasted when so many others are starving (literally) and are suffering from poverty? It’s sort of like what W. H. Auden said, “We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don't know.” What on earth are the others here for, to spend all this money?

Even though we may think that we are doing good for mankind, which we are, we are also taking away from it. We are taking away some life from our generation every time we spend more money. Studies like the graph below show that the bigger and better rockets we build, the more expensive they get. All of this money could be used for charities, given to the poor, or even used to make more houses or meals for homeless people. With building more houses, we could build more work buildings and establishments so that these people can get more money to pay for necessities. These people are humans, too. They have needs that must be met, or they will end up somewhere probably dead. A lot of the time we aren’t thinking too often about others, but we need to change that. If we don’t build our habits now, we could end up killing other people without knowing it.

NASA spent $10.6 billion to develop the Space Shuttle and its related components, including the solid rocket boosters, external tank, and the RS-25 main engines. This also includes $444 million in construction costs to build out the shuttle's production, launch, and processing facilities.

Adjusted for inflation to 2020 dollars, NASA spent approximately $49 billion to develop and launch the first space shuttle.

Poverty comes with having no home. If we want to change that, we need to build more homes. The best way to start with this is investing, which we can’t do without money. If we get all the money we need from people everywhere, then we can build more houses and businesses so that they can pay for the houses. Starting business and small business owners around the world are trying to pay for everything they need, but don’t have the money to. In the statements below, tells us about how many businesses are struggling because of the amount of money they have, their lack of demand, and financial struggle.

Some food businesses or common stores around the world, like H-E-B or Target, will sometimes be in need of supply because maybe the demand is too high for them. Others will need to expand their business, and while Mark Vande Hei was in space in 2021, Starbucks could be needing the money to make the Starbucks Legacy happen. It’s the things like this that people need to take into consideration because of the fact that people only think about themselves. More funds in the economy should be given to businesses in need by the government. When the government doesn't give as much money to the economy as it needs, it is spending that money on making more and more rockets.

If America as a country, as a whole, is going to try to strive for greatness as every other country does, we have to make our population stable. Even though we might think we have okay standards we actually have less and less about every year. According to, “After 1968 the global population growth rate started a long decline, and in the period 2022–2027 the UN estimates it to be about 0.9%, less than half of its peak during the period 1962 - 1968.” In order to make our population steady and keep it thriving, we need to increase the number of hospitals so that people who are either sick or aren’t exactly feeling well, will get the treatment they need. If the government gives more money towards medicines and hospitals, we can help people in need of care.

When the government gives money to the economy and its businesses they don’t exactly give as much money as you think. Think about all of the homeless people, the hungry people, the business people, and the sick people that still are suffering. Think about if it really is worth it for the government to explore space and for what? It’s not like we can live there. It would take years, and decades, and maybe even a century. Sure, it’s cool, but why explore something we can’t piece together completely. Help the government build a better America. For it and the people. For you and for me.

Hatchet Mini-Essay.

Brian Robeson is the protagonist of the realistic fictional book titled: Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. Paulsen uses some of his own experiences and writes about a fictional protagonist reflecting on his own experiences. For example, Paulsen remembers staying outside in his backyard and trying to see what it would be like to live in the wilderness with practically nothing. In the book, Brian struggles to forget a deep secret about his mother cheating on his dad and the reason for having their divorce. When Brian boards a plane to take him to his father’s house in Canada, the pilot has a heart attack and then…. Once the plane no longer has a pilot and Brian in the co-pilot seat, Brian needs to take initiative and fly the plane somewhere safe to land once the plane runs out of fuel. This reminds me of times when I had to take initiative. I felt just like Brian: pressurized, scared, lonely. When I used to feel these emotions (and I still do) I just tried to calm down and think about the things and people that make me happy. When Brian gets hit with a tornado and a moose, his reaction was like a taunt to nature: “Come on! Is that all you got? You hit me with a tornado and a moose! Well that just won’t do the trick.” I could sort of relate. There was once a time that some kid said I couldn't do my work properly and that I never got my work done. So, I told this kid that one day I'll get all A's in school. I then finished that year with all A's and went up to him and said, "In. Your. Face."

Informational Writing and Narrative Retelling 2023.

Reports about a missing boy in the Canadian woods down north have lead to worried parents and citizens. The police have investigated this tragedy and were trying to contact the plane pilot.The airport, United States & Canadian Airlines, were also trying to track and locate the plane. They say that the plane might have become “untraceable” due to damage to a special chip in the nose of the plane. “If this was damaged,” pilot Moreno stated, “then all hope is lost to find him.”

His mother, Maria Robeson, said that the boy’s name is Brian. Apparently he was on his way to visit his father in the Canadian woods, when the plane went off trail and possibly could have crashed. Experts say that things like this tend to happen due to human errors. It is possible that the pilot wasn’t paying attention, didn’t check safety measures, or was dead while the plane was in the air.

The whole city and police department have investigated multiple times and have found no evidence of the boy. They flew over the woods, but found nothing. To the right and at the top is the plane that flew over the woods.

The people of NYCPD were everywhere trying to find this forest and are still investigating, but have found no evidence. This search will go on for another 2 weeks or less and if we are still unsuccessful, then all hope is lost and Brian might be dead.

My Qoute and Truism Bank.

Quotes and Truisms

This is your list of quotes and  truisms! If there are some that you don’t think are any good, take them out. Add some of your own favorites. Use this as a resource when you write. 

If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.

- Albert Einstein

Better slow going somewhere than fast going nowhere.

Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it.

Tough times never last, but tough people do.

A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

- Lao Tzu

Never wrestle with a pig--you both get dirty but the pig likes it.

50% of the solution is to put your hands on the problem.

The man who thinks he knows everything will eventually find he knows nothing.

Stand for something or you will fall for anything!

Anger is one letter short of danger.    


Character is easier kept than recovered.

A man who desires revenge should dig two graves.

Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak.

--Greek Proverb

It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

It's the empty can that makes the most noise.

Dogs don't love people, they love the place where they are fed.

--Burundi Proverb

One grain of sand can tip the scale.

Life is a ladder -- some will climb up it, others down.

--Bulgarian Proverb


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

If a link is broken, the entire chain breaks.

--Yiddish Proverb

In order to get where you want to go, you first have to leave where you are.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

If you have planted a tree, you must water it too.

--Tamil Proverb

 Success is a journey not a destination.

The teacher has not taught, until the student has learned.

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

--Sicilian Proverb

 Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

Many things are lost for want of asking.

Words are like spears: once they leave your lips, they can never come back

--Benin Proverb


Walk with your slippers until you can find your shoes.

--Sicilian Proverb


Men learn little from success, but much from failure.

Arabian Proverb 

Bad decisions make good stories.

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Drink nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it.

--Spanish Proverb

A rising tide lifts all boats.

It takes a thief to catch a thief.


A small house will hold a hundred friends.

--African Proverb

A thief thinks everyone steals.

Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.

Well begun is half done.


A wound inflicted by a friend does not heal.

--African Proverb

Bloom where you are planted.

A broken watch is right two times a day.


When you come back from a trip bring something for the family -- even if it is only a stone.

--Lebanese Proverb

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

It takes all sorts to make a world.

It takes two to tango.


Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald.

--Chinese Proverb

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

A bad craftsman blames his tools.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

From those to whom much is given, much is expected. 

Fortune favours the brave.

A half truth is a whole lie.

Handsome is what handsome does.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns to you.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

A lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on.

Nothing to be feared in life, but understood.

Put a beggar on horseback and he'll ride it to death.

Slow and steady wins the race.

There are no small roles, only small actors.

What goes up must come down.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

--attributed to Goethe

My Fiction Story.

The Friendly Monster 

From the Deep

One summer day, I was walking in the forest on a normal Saturday morning. It was my favorite thing to do. Just taking a walk and feeling the light breeze. It was just that summer day when it’s not too hot or too cold. It was just perfect. I liked walking in the forest because it was also my favorite place to journey to. 

I loved everything about nature and anything green. There were even times that I liked to just sit in the soft soil and take in everything about nature. In case I ever got bored, I would always bring a book. There’s nothing else like a good book of old-fashioned literature while surrounded by so much green, right? Even when I know I’m not going to even do so much as look at the book, I still bring one. 

If there is another good thing about wandering in the forest, it’s that there is a nice little lake nearby. It has beautiful, deep blue water that makes it perfect for watching sunsets. Every time that I can, I always make sure I’m around the lake to watch the sunsets around 6:15. Now, I don’t exactly know how I feel about going into the forest alone anymore. Or even being around the lake.

Now for that "wonderful" day. It was about 5:00, so I had time to watch the sunset. I had packed my usual stuff that I always bring every time I venture into the forest. It was always my favorite book, bug spray, my keys, some tissues, a first-aid kit, and my thermos. I was on my vivacious way off into the forest. 

As I came back to the lake, I noticed that the color was much darker than usual. It was almost pitch black. Half of me wanted to check it out, but the other half didn’t want to even look at the water anymore. I decided to just walk away for a moment. Then I had a capricious moment to go check out the water. I was so zealous to check the water. I even almost fell in trying to inspect it. To my amazement, I saw an arcane creature. It was gigantic! It looked very abnormal and interesting

It had blue skin with scales, a light blue faded face, some unnatural collar, two paws in front but clawed feet in the back, three wings, a horn, two ears, two eyes, a face like a horse, and supernatural markings on its front paws. I tried with all my might to move my body and run, but my legs were stuck, like they were frozen or glued to the ground. I stood there, frozen solid, staring at the creature and envisioning what it could do to me. My face grew with what was probably a horrified expression, but I couldn’t exactly tell. Suddenly, the creature turned its starry gaze in my direction, so I stared at it back.

After having shared a creepy staring contest with the monster, I ran back home as fast as I could, just barely noticing that it was already dark. I was never again going to go back into that forest. It was just too much for me to even comprehend at the moment. I checked my Apple Watch. The Roman numerals XI:LV blinked onto the screen. I had spent 5 hours in the forest with the creature! Or had I? I had only walked out of my house, gone by the lake, seen the creature, and ran back. How could I have possibly done something that took about 30 minutes in 5 hours? Maybe I spent too much time with the creature. Maybe I’m just going crazy. I don’t know, and I never will know for sure. I decided in my head: Maybe I just need to take a shower, brush my teeth, and go to bed. So I did just that and peacefully went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling pretty good. I had an okay sleep, a nutritious breakfast of oat cereal, and a nice workout. I felt like someone who was really in shape for anything. I wasn’t sure if I decided to go back to the forest or stay inside. I went to chill in my room and watch TV when I actually found myself in my closet, changing into a hoodie and some jeans. I also found myself grabbing my keys and my backpack, which I hadn’t unpacked yesterday. 

Finally, I was out the door. Yay. Going to be so much fun. I was by the lake again. Yay. Even more fun. This time, I was going to try to make friends with the creature just to see how it went. If it goes south, I’ll go home. If it goes well... I actually don’t know because I didn’t expect it to go well, but it’s whatever right now.

I made my way down to the lake to see the super-dark water. It looked like it was sleeping. "Huh," I said to myself. "Well, I guess you learn something new every day." I shrugged. I never knew such strange and monstrous creatures existed. Let alone sleep. As I made my way towards the water, the monster started to slowly rise from the water. Its scales shone in the morning daylight. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that the wings were somehow dry from being underwater. It stared at me with its sandy gaze. 

I was about to make my way towards the forest when I noticed that there was a small wound on its leg. I remembered that I had my bag on. "Oh! I have something that will help you," I said to the monster. I reached into the bag and slowly made my way towards it. After rummaging through my bag for a moment, I managed to find my first-aid kit. "This might be able to help you." I opened it as carefully as I could while still keeping an eye on the creature. I found a bandage I could use that was about big enough to put on the monster’s leg. I carefully came close to the beast and kneeled down. It was probably about 6’4, but I couldn’t really tell. It was just big. I, as slowly as possible, placed the bandage on its leg. Then it gave a loud, shrieking scream.

I tried to soothe the monster, but I couldn’t exactly do much. I knew there was nothing I could do, so I just tried to calm it down by quietly shushing it. After a solid 20 minutes, it seemed to calm down. It suddenly gave me what humans would call a hug, but to their kind, I honestly don’t know. It was warm, like a regular hug from a real person, but it just didn’t look right. After a long while, it finally let me free from its embrace. I walked home, not saying a word to myself or even being able to think about my life. I went home, took another shower, brushed my teeth, and went straight to bed.

Another morning later, I woke up to the sound of what I thought was a whale call. I jumped out of bed and quickly changed out of my pajamas and into my everyday clothes. I got my shoes on and darted out the door. I saw the underwater animal outside and in the forest. As soon as I opened the door, it gave me another embrace, like I was its long-lost friend, and invited itself in. It started to wander around my house and ended up lying on my couch like someone who was very tired. I decided to let it stay and started to provide it with meals that consisted of fish and light greens. It has stayed with me to this very day, and I decided to even give it a name: Blue. I gave it this name because Blue is blue, and it just made sense. Now, Blue and I are best friends forever and like to swim, read, chill, and eat together.


My math class is amazing because of my teacher, Mrs. Starr-Burt. We have a notebook that we fill out about every other day when we have a lesson. My notebook is so filled up with notes, that I nearly finished it. We just recently took them home, because it is the end of the school year, so now I keep it for memories and reference in case I ever need help.


My science class is my favorite class because of the super awesome teacher, Mrs. Nuckolls. She is really funny and nice, and knows when the time is to make jokes. I also like science because I love learning about the periodic table and how elements make up everything. We also have these labs that help us show what we learned about that topic. I love doing labs because sometimes we get to use food for the experiment and eventually get to eat it.

Social Studies

I like social studies because I love to learn about the countries in the world and where they are located. I also have this really great teacher named Mrs. Stubbins. She is super funny and likes to make jokes during class. She also likes to use kids as examples for teaching and makes it super funny.