title by adobe by the way

240327 vid 3d modle with space bg luke beyer.mp4

This is my vid with lots of editing with adobe after effects and adobe premiere  

These are to different views of the house I have made in sckechup for schools and it is very nice and it took a while to make

240130 paintind house video.mp4

This is the video a made with the website "screen pal" this video shows my house in SketchUp for school

Basically the star of sketchup is casey grothus, he was a autistic kid and  he would use sketchup when he was in 6th grade but anyways this is what he looks like:

240212 house spin 3 second luke beyer0001-0090.mp4

This is my video of my house spinning in blender and not in sketchup

240212 house spin 10 second luke beyer0001-0300.mp4

This is the extended version that I made that rotates both ways 

240216 house implosion luke beyer.mp4

This is an very cool effect I did to my house that I call implosion 

This is a painted photo of my modern art 3d model the I made in sketchup!

240306 luke beyer0001-0300.mp4

This is a video of a full 360 of my 3d model that I made with blender.