
There are a number of academic metrics our district looks at when reviewing student data. Each Spring, students take the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) exams to measure academic progress to the state. Throughout the year, students also take benchmark exams so that our educators can measure student learning progress throughout the year and make instructional adjustments as needed. In addition to these state and local exams, other performance measures are reviewed including AP exams, CTE completion, and other areas.

This Fall, students will be taking the initial benchmark exams to measure their progress at the beginning of the year. A second benchmark window will take place at the end of the first semester. Benchmark data will be made available on the local dashboard to measure growth after the end of semester assessment window. Below are the benchmark exam windows for the 2019-2020 school year.

STAR Benchmark Assessments

STAR Assessments are used through our Renaissance program for skill development in Early Literacy, Mathematics, and Reading. The assessments are administered in the Fall and Winter, and are used to measure growth and progress of student learning.

Use the arrows to navigate STAR Assessment results for Elementary

Use the arrows to navigate STAR Assessment results for Middle School

Use the arrows to navigate STAR Assessment results for Middle School

The Advanced Placement (AP) Tests are taken each May. The test is scored on a five-point scale. A student will successfully pass an AP Exam by scoring a 3 or better. Here are the percentage of students who passed the AP exam in the following subject areas: Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, English Language and Composition, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture, Statistics, US Government, and US History.

*The data contained in the above charts were last updated on 10/2/19