political cartoons

1. What is a political cartoon?

A political cartoon is an artistic drawing that shows commentary  to current events, editorial pages of newspapers and other journalistic outlets.

2. Where do most political cartoons appear in a newspaper?

in discrepancies of a political situation.

3. What are the usual topics for political cartoons?

entertaining perspectives on the news.

4. Are political cartoons based in facts?

yes they don't allow the artist to alter the factors.

5. What is the goal of a political cartoon, according to the website?

To be an important criticizing and controlling function in society

6. What are the five persuasive techniques that cartoonists use in their work? In a sentence or two, explain the technique in your own words. 

symbolism is using objects or symbols to stand for larger concepts.exaggeration is overdoing something to make a point.labeling is used to make sure things are seen clearly.analogy is comparing two unlike things that share some characteristics. irony is the difference between the way things are vs how things are expected to be 

7. List the five questions you should use to analyze cartoons?

is it based on facts, is it based on the news, is it persuasive, is it 

Now go here to learn how to plan and create a political cartoon: