Rainey's journalism 1

About me:

My name is Rainey i'm a freshman, i'm from Texas. I live with my parents and both my brothers are in college, I have two dogs Amy and Dylan.  In my free time I like to read or watch TV, my favorite color is blue and I used to be a gymnast. I like going to the beach or river or lake, swimming and being with my friends is one of my favorite things to do, but i also love having my alone time to relax and reset. 

       Why I am taking the class:

I signed up for this class because I wanted to learn more about photography and how articles are written. I want to learn more about what to put/write in an article, how to word things and catch the reader. I am excited to talk and meet new people and learn more about them. 

      Previous Expierience:

My friends and I would take videos together all the time in middle school, we would also take pictures together and capture memories with our phones. In past years i have tried to get into a journalism or yearbook class and now I am finally in one, I am very excited to learn new things about photography and more in this class.