
Math Facts - It’s so important for all upcoming fifth and sixth grade students to know their basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). These math facts build the foundation for many more of the advanced math concepts to come. 

Math Games - Board games and card games are a great way to keep your kids’ skills sharp over the summer, whether they are intentionally using math (ex: Yahtzee) or just happen to need math skills (ex: Monopoly).

Fraction Fluency - We spend a lot of time with fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) in fifth and sixth grade. Practice your equivalent fraction facts with flash cards or real-life applications. 

Board Games - There are so many great games that you can play to practice your math facts! 

Most Importantly... Make Math FUN! 

Math YouTube Channels 

Want More Practice?  

There are so many great Math workbooks that can be picked up at your local bookstore or shipped through Amazon. Here are some suggestions: