
This term, year 6 will have a specific science focus that links into our 'Year 6 Science Fair'

We will be spending the first 3 weeks of term trialing different science experiments and exploring science concepts and language. 

Weeks 4-8 will be dedicated to students science fair groups and preparation ready to present to both the school and parents and caregivers in Week 8 (Tuesday 28th November). 

We are lucky to also have some support from Mrs Snell in our science and topic areas this term.  She will be joining our year 6 classes every Friday for block 1 and 3 to present some experiments and open up the STEAM kitchen. We are excited for the term ahead with her!

This year, we have decide to keep the topic broad to allow students to get creative with their concept. In previous years, the topic has been linked to environmental areas. However, as this has been our main focus of this years topic lessons, we have decided to open up the floor to students free choice. 

We will be establishing groups and research topics in week 4.  Students will be in groups of 2-3 as they will be sharing the board. 

Please note:  Science fair boards to not need to be purchased as they were part of school stationary payment at the start of the year as part of school stationary costs

If by week 5 any groups have been unable to settle on a topic the teachers will assign a focus to them. 

The criteria for each science fair presentation is below. 

Science fair checklist. 

Students should use this to choose a topic that will support this criteria.