
This term we will be focusing on:

Weeks 1 - 4: Fractions

Weeks 5-8: Addition/Subtraction

Maths progressions goals can be found for your child on Hero

Maths Term 4

Week 1-4: Fractions Weeks 5 - 8: Add/Sub
For the first four weeks of this term we will continue to focus on fractions, including equivalent fractions, improper fractions and converting fractions to decimals and percentages. Later in the term we will move to number, focusing on addition and subtraction.

While students are home-learning all math tasks will be shared with students via Google Classroom. Each week students should complete a set of basic facts, together with progression focus math activities. Extension options are included within each of these tasks for students that would like a challenge. Students with their Dragon Math books at home can continue with the Fraction activities in their book, or use the scanned pages from Book 3 (available on Google Classroom) to work on.

Week 4 activities:

  1. Basic Facts - Calculations Code Breaker

  2. Improper Fractions

Check out Google Classroom for further details.