Important Info
If students have devices at home we ask that they bring these in each day fully charged. We use digital devices everyday across different areas of the curriculum as well as google classroom as a learning platform.
Students must bring a bucket hat to wear to school each day when outside in term 1.
Important Dates
Week 6
Steam day - Tuesday 7 March
Food tech - Thursday
PE at Selwyn - Thursday
Senior Assembly - Friday 10 March
Week 7
STRIKE - Thursday 16 March
Food tech - Friday 17 March
Bay Suburbs Swimming - Friday 17 March
Week 8
Bay Suburbs Softball - Wednesday 22nd March
Food tech - Thursday
PE at Selwyn - Thursday
Week 9
Kepa Bush trip - Wednesday 29 March
Food tech - Thursday
PE at Selwyn - Thursday
Eastern Zones Orienteering - Friday 31 March
Senior Assembly S11 & S12 to present - Friday 31 March
Week 10
Topic presentations begin
Student Led Conferences - Wednesday 5th April
Wonder - the movie - Thursday 6th April
Whole school Assembly - Thursday 6th April
ENVIRO - refer to below
Google classroom
Check out our Google Classrooms which we use for as a daily learning platform. Here we post daily tasks which students complete in class and important information. We ask that you please check this regularly to stay up to date with what is going on in class.