
Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to another wonderful school year at St.Theresa School. I am looking forward to working with an amazing group of parents on the board, class representatives and all of you this year! I greatly appreciate the continued support of all the members on the past boards and all our amazing volunteers!!

The purpose of the Home School Association is to support the faculty, staff, parents, and especially our students. The HSA Board, along with

our principle, Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, has been busy developing the details for a very productive and exciting year. In order for the HSA to be 

effective, we need the support and involvement of all our St. Theresa families. The way you can show your support will be to participate in the events that we planned throughout the school year. Whatever level of participation you choose your time and involvement will be greatly appreciated. 

We look forword to working with you all to make this a very memorable year for our children. Wishing you all a successful and fun school year!!


Mrs. Patricia Keenan

HSA President

HSA email: sttheresabronxhsa@gmail.com