Youth Ministries 

St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church


We are the Body of Christ! Check out all the ways you can be One In the Body of Christ with Youth Ministries! 

You can sign up for announcements, register for events, join Youth Groups, and get involved! Click around our new website to get involved in the Youth Ministries at St. Spyridon! Our Youth Ministries include:

Dance and Choral School, GOYA, JOY, HOPE, Sunday School, Kids' Corner, Acolytes

Weekly Youth Activities:

Sunday School, Kids' Corner, Acolytes, Youth Choir, Greek Dance

Monthly Youth Activities:

HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Service Sunday

Annual Youth Events:

Christmas Pageant, Epiphany Cross Dive, Palm Sunday Luncheon, Holy Friday Retreat, Vacation Church School, St. Nicholas Ranch

We are glad you are here! We are excited to see you and your kids and teens at Church and at our Youth Events!

Julie Dennis, Youth Ministries Director 


mobile: 619-940-5167

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @youthstspyridon 

And on Facebook: Saint Spyridon Facebook Page - St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, San Diego

 Click HERE to be added to our email list!

Click HERE to register for Youth Ministries! (Dance, Choir, Sunday School, GOYA, HOPE, JOY, Kids' Corner)

Click HERE to get involved! 

Follow us on Instagram! Scan the QR code or go to 


What we're working on next

Sunday School, Greek Dance, Youth Choir, GOYA, HOPE and JOY Kick Off Party!!