

For each Technical Committee, a shared Google Drive folder has been activated. Filling the FORM and joining the TCs (one or more, it doesn't matter!), you will be able to share your papers and read the shared papers.

You can share your paper according to the archiving policy of the journal (a LIST of policies is available in SHERPA/RoMEO: LINK). This will increase the papers evidence. 

For each uploaded paper, please, use the paper title as file name.

If it is not possible to  archive the publisher's version/PDF, but you can archive pre-print (or post-refereeing version), please, write in the first page of your paper all the details of the publication (journal, year, volume, issue, pages, DOI, if available)

Please, do not upload lists of papers. 

ESIS-TC subscription form (please, use only your personal Gmail or ESIS G-Suite account): LINK

How to share your papers in G Drive: LINK​