Weekly Bulletin

Week Commencing 15/04/24   Term 5 2023-2024

Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind

Principal's Message

Mr Jon Richardson - Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to share another successful week at Strood Academy.

A Strong Start

Our pupils have returned from the break in excellent fashion. It has been a pleasure to see such high uniform standards maintained throughout the week, and punctuality to school at 8:30am remains exceptional. Thank you for your continued support in ensuring a smooth start to the term.

Positive Developments

This week, we welcomed Celia Buxton, Assistant Director for Education and SEND in Medway, on a tour of the academy.  She observed some excellent lessons with highly focused and engaged pupils, and provided some fantastic feedback.

We were also pleased to host Ms. Charlotte Aldham-Breary, Headteacher of Cuxton Primary Academy, as we continue to build strong relationships with our local feeder schools. This also supports the recent partnership with Bligh Primary School, further solidifying our commitment to local partnerships.

Year Group Updates

Celebrating Diversity

Our college assemblies this week focused on Vaisakhi, a significant day in the Sikh calendar.  We had the pleasure of welcoming a special guest from the Sikh community to deliver an informative and engaging assembly for our pupils.

Upcoming Events

Communication Improvements

Your recent feedback highlighted communication as an area for improvement.  I am pleased to inform you that I am in the final stages of planning a relaunch of our telephone systems. We will provide further details once the implementation is finalised.

International Partnership

Our third successful foreign exchange program concluded this week.  Students from Spain immersed themselves in Strood Academy life, fostering a positive experience for both parties.

Stay Connected

Don't forget to follow our social media feeds for regular updates.

We wish you a restful weekend and look forward to welcoming the pupils back on Monday.


Mr. Jon Richardson


Strood Academy

Key dates for THIS term

Year 8 Parents Evening - Thursday 22nd April, 4-7pm

Year 11 Exam Information Afternoon - Friday 3rd May, 4-5pm

Year 10 Work Experience - Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May

Parent Voice Forum Module 5 - Thursday 23rd May, 6-7pm

End of Term - Friday 24th May


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday












Since the new year, we have come together as a community to reflect on all we have achieved so far. This includes:

We are immensely proud of the progress we have made so far, and while acknowledging that we are still at the very beginning of our Vision 2028 journey, we are looking forward to the successes we will continue to achieve along the way.


As part of our Vision 2028 Engagement Curriculum, we are working to gather regular feedback from all members of the Strood Academy community, through events such as the Parent Voice Forum and feedback surveys. From the feedback gathered earlier on this academic year, we implemented a route of transition around the academy to ensure a smooth and safe journey throughout the academy for all students and staff.

This has been extremely successful so far with students moving through the academy calmly and safely, allowing students to travel to lessons with pace and purpose. We are so grateful for your support with this Engagement Curriculum and hope you will agree that these routines have had a positive impact within our academy.