Key Information

A note from the safeguarding team

Please be aware of our Safeguarding Contact Details which can be seen here:

Please note, Strood Academy has a Safeguarding email which is operating both during and outside of school hours- Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to support.

Designated Safeguard Lead = Ms Lindsay

Deputy Safeguard Lead = Ms Barlow 

College  Safeguarding Officers and Contacts:

Victory = Mrs Hurley-Sherwood

Hercules = Mrs Brice

Trafalgar = Mrs  Phillips

Year 11

“Everything is important - success is in the detail” 

From Tuesday 9th January our Year 11 pupils will be receiving tailored interventions within the core subjects during Period 1. To support this we are going to complete the morning line up as a year group rather than within their college. The reasons for this are the following:

The Year 11 line up will take place in the Sports Hall and be led by Mr Fatania and Mr Minshull. Year 11 form tutors will be on hand to support a smooth start to the day. 

From next week we will also be removing Year 11 from our weekly college assemblies. They will continue to have a Year 11 assembly on Monday Period 1 to set themselves up for the week ahead but we aim to use the additional time to support them with additional learning.