Key Information

A note from the safeguarding team

Please see here a guide by the NHS regarding the Money and Mental Health Advice Service. We are conscious that with Christmas approaching and the days getting darker and colder, these issues affect us all. Please do use these services for support.

Also, as Christmas fast approaches many of your young ones may be opening new electronic devices on Christmas Day. Please see the guide here outlining these tips on how you and your family can ensure your young ones are kept safe online.

As well as this, Strood Academy has a Safeguarding email which is operating throughout term time and the school holidays - Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to support.

Click the link here to see the TikTok guide for parents and carers for information on how to ensure your child is using this platform safely and appropriately. 

Year 11

“Everything is important - success is in the detail”