Links to Resources

Scholastic book club. Our class code is T83YG.

Class Dojo! I love this easy-to-use communication app. Students can upload pictures of their work to share with you in the moment. They also earn points for achievements that you are able to track from your app.

Keep track of your child's progress with the parent portal. Mrs. Miller or Miss Worley will provide you with a password.

Keep track of your child's progress toward ONE MILLION WORDS READ! Each time they finish a book, they take a quiz at school to earn their words. It is very exciting to watch the numbers climb!

Mrs. Vickery's favorites

Our library in Oroville (just across the street from Better Deal Exchange) is rich in literature! If your child has a voracious appetite toward reading, you will save a lot of money by borrowing instead of buying. I have never been disappointed with the selection, and you can reserve a book that isn't at the local branch if you plan ahead.

Robots that predict the weather! I use this site each morning to track whether it will be a rainy day schedule or not. It is so wonderful when students are prepared for it, too!