Week 3 Read Alouds~April 6-10

Happy Friday kiddos! I'm trying a new video format today since my last few were being stinkers. ;) We will see how it works!

Gasp! What a cliff hanger at the end our chapter today!?

Thursday, April 9~Are the Sterlings the people trying to expose the Menagerie?? Will they succeed in doing so?

Wednesday, April 8~Here it is! Better late than never! ;) Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 7~I'm not sure why my video cut me off ;), but the last sentence is 'Oh no," Ruby said. "What's Zoe done now?" Stay tuned, 3rd graders! Have a fantastic day playing outside in this 'summery' weather!

Monday, April 6~We begin our last book in the Menagerie series today~Kraken and Lies! ;)