Additional Resources

In Spanish class we use Quizlet. Quizlet is a great tool to study and practice vocabulary words learned in class. The following steps will get you to the right page for the classroom and lesson you are looking for!


2. Search for senoraBott (one word and only the B is capitalized)

3. Classes

4. St. Pius X Loundonville, NY

5. Select classroom (k-3 classes, 4th grade or 5th grade)

6. Select lesson needed.

Or use the link

Our Spanish K-3 classes use a variety of textbooks such as Teach them Spanish Levels K, 1,2,3 and 4; The Complete book of Spanish levels 1,2, and 3. K-3 classes also use the sites Duolingo, Spanish free lessons online to practice vocabulary words in the classroom. Students utilize an interactive notebook for classwork activities.

Fourth grade students use the textbook Spanish is Fun book A, a Spanish-English dictionary and a notebook (for class and homework assignments) .

++++++++++ IMPORTANTE +++++++++++ PRACTICE ++++++++++IMPORTANTE ++++++++++++++++++++



Here is a list of activities and or resources you can access to keep your child/children practicing Spanish skills learned in class.

Click on the theme you are interested in practicing, and there will be a link to websites that contain exercises, worksheet or suggestions to follow.

Grades K-3

All Levels

Resources in Your Library

Many public libraries have these resources, families don’t need to purchase them.

  • Muzzy: BBC Language Course for Children in Spanish, French and other languages.

  • Little Pim: DVD Series for preschool and Kindergartden

  • GPS Salsa Videos: Free online videos for Spanish language learners

YouTube Channels

TV Shows

Find your child’s favorite TV show in Spanish. If you have access to Netflix, find a show that your child is already familiar with and change the audio to Spanish.