
Music Teacher - Mary Rose Smith

(formerly Miss Williams)

Our students who competed in the Solo-Ensemble Competition in Spring 2017!

Band Teacher with her family - Pam Evenson

First band rehearsal of the Fall 2017

2018 Final Pep Assembly - choir students, conducted by Miss Williams, sing a farewell song to our beloved principal Mrs. Peine!

Part of the junior high choir sang the same song for the 2018 Spring Concert

A few photos of our junior high students learning how to play the ukulele!

Two photos from when our students performed songs Downtown Peoria

They sang song selections from Lion King Jr., our 2018 spring musical

2018 Spring Musical - Lion King Jr.

2018 Spring Musical - Lion King Jr.

Two photos from when our students performed songs Downtown Peoria

They sang song selections from Beauty & The Beast, our 2017 spring musical

Our 2017 spring musical cast outside the theatre!

2016 Downtown Peoria performance ("Annie")

A candid choir photo from our weekly School Mass

Our 2017 Christmas Eve choir for the 4:30 Children's Mass! We have current student and alumni volunteers experience the joy of singing Christmas hymns

A few choir student volunteers leading our school in praising God with music for our School Adoration, led by Miss Williams

Miss Williams and the junior high choir singing Mass music for the residents at Buehler Home, during a Mass said by Father David during Catholic Schools Week