
September 11, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 2

Grandparent Appreciation Sept. 13

We look forward to seeing Grandparents on Wed!

PK/Y5 - the schedule was sent home to families.

ELM/Prep - Grandparents, bring your lunch and have lunch at school with your student(s) and their friends.

Elementary: K-4th from 12:00-12:30

Prep School: 5th -8th 12:30-12:50

Pastor’s Breakfast & Chapel

Our annual invite your pastor to breakfast event will take place on Sept. 27.  Invitations that students can personalize will be sent home.  Students are welcome to invite their Pastor, Assoc. Pastor, Youth Director, or other church leader.  We will be having an outdoor chapel with muffins/donuts, fruit, and drinks with the local Pastors that have been invited to join us.  This is an all-school event so students should be wearing their school-logo chapel polo.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

EZ's Burger Deluxe

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Munchie Market

Munchie Market for grades 1st-8th begins Thursday.  After lunch students can purchase 1 or 2 snacks for 50 cents each.  Our 4th grade class will be the 1st class to bring snacks this year.  During the time that a class brings snacks, the money earned is a fund raiser for that class. 

Harvest Carnival

PTL has set the Harvest Carnival date for October 6.  This fun night needs a lot of help to set up and run and it a great way to get some of your 1st trimester PIP hours.  Remember to check the PTL webpage frequently for upcoming PIP opportunities:


Family Photos

PTL will once again be offering family photo sessions on Sep. 30 & Oct. 1 See flyer for more information  

“Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart; that I may fear your name.”

- Psalm 86:11