
March 4, 2024 Trimester 2  Issue 12

Donuts with Dad

We look forward to seeing all of our dads, grandpas, or other special guys on Wednesday!  The fun starts at 7:40 until 8:30 so come when you can.

Spring Conferences

Spring conferences will take place the week of March 11.  Teachers will be sending you an email to sign up for a time on Sign-Up Genius.  For students in PK, your teacher will let you know the schedule for that week.  Students in Y5-8th will have a regular school day on Mon/Tues and noon dismissal on Wed/Thurs/Friday.

For those student staying in childcare W-F, please remember to bring a lunch.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

Costco Pizza

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

PIP Hours

Please remember to record your 2nd trimester PIP hours either online through Facts or on one of the pink record forms at school.   The trimester ends on March 15.  Teachers will have an updated list of recorded PIP hours at your conference.

K-8th Musical

Our students in K-8 will be presenting the musical Holy Moses for friends and family on March 19, 6:30pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 171 Eastmont Ave, E. Wen.

Please join us!

“As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.  Freely you have received, freely give.”   - Matthew 10: 7-8