
March 11, 2024 Trimester 2  Issue 13

Family Game Night

PTL is hosting a second family game night this Friday, Mar 15 from 5-8pm.  There will be food and lots of games to choose from for family fun!

Game Night Flyer

Here is the sign up if you would like to help with this event: 

2024-25 Enrollment

All currently enrolled families should have received re-enrollment information for the 2024-25 school year by now.  The information was emailed from Facts with a link, but it can also be accessed through the Family Portal.

The early registration discount is available for Kindergarten and older students through Friday.  If registration is paid in full by March 15 there is a $50 savings.  

All other registrations that have not been paid will be added to student accounts in April and will need to be paid in full by July 1.  Please contact the school office with any questions.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

It’s Conference Week

Y5-8th students will dismiss at 12:00 Wednesday – Friday.  Both the childcare center and the extended day program are open during conference week.  Please remember a lunch if your child is attending care.

PK will have the normal class schedule during conference week.

Cinnamon Rolls are available for purchase for Easter.  Help is also needed to make them with our older students.  Use this link if you would like to sign up to help: 

Holy Moses Musical

Next Monday & Tuesday our K-5 (and prep students that are in or are helping with the musical) will be rehearsing at Faith Lutheran, 171 Eastmont Ave, East Wen.  End of the day pick up will be from Faith Lutheran at 3pm.

Drivers will be needed to transport students to East Wenatchee.  Students in aftercare will be transported back to St. Paul's.

More information will be coming home with students.

The Musical will be presented Tuesday March 19, 6:30pm at Faith Lutheran.

Please bring a plate of cookies to share after the musical.

Help is needed after both musicals at the refreshment table.  Use this link to sign up: 

ECE Spring Sing

Our Preschool, Pre-K, & Young 5 students will be presenting the Thank You Meal on Tuesday March 26, 6:30pm at St. Paul's.

Please bring a plate of cookies to share after the musical.

“Praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights above.  Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts.”   - Psalm 148:1-2