
November 6, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 10

Grand Auction

Thank you to everyone that supported our auction!  Those that attended, donated, visited businesses for donations, hung up posters, put baskets together, set-up, clean-up, cashiers, parents/teachers that put classroom projects together, and the crew that oversees everything.

Cookie Dough

Orders are due tomorrow (Nov. 7)

Offering Donations

We have been collecting offering money at chapel this trimester for our local CASA Christmas Stocking Project.  If you would like to donate items for the stockings we will start collecting those now as well.  On the CASA website you can find the list of suggested items as well as the pattern for making the stockings and pillowcases if you are interested.

Donations can be dropped off at school anytime. 

“Be a Difference Maker”

Hopefully students in our K-8 classes are figuring out or starting on their projects.  You can print the reporting form from the link below or pick one up at school.

The form to fill out can be found online here: 

Questions?  Call the office or contact Mrs. Breidert: 

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Veteran’s Day Chapel

We look forward so honoring our Veteran's at our school Veteran’s Day Chapel on Wednesday Nov. 8 at 8:40am.  Veterans that would like to attend are welcome to join us and are invited to stay for refreshments afterwards.

We are still accepting pictures or email photos of active duty service members or Veterans for our display (please include names).  We also ask that you do not send in originals or framed photos (we can make a copy) for safety purposes. Email photos to or

Veteran's Day Parade

Our school will be participating in the Veteran's Day parade on Saturday Nov. 11.  Please bring your student(s) and join us.  A flyer was emailed to you last Friday.

Veteran's Day

 Though it began as Armistice Day in 1919 (celebrating the end of World War I), November 11 has been celebrated as Veterans Day in the United States since 1954. Many people observe the day with ceremonies and parades that honor the sacrifice and dedication of those who have served in the armed forces of the United States. There may be no better way to honor a veteran than in prayer. Whether it is offered in a religious service, or privately, or silently as a parade passes by, or in a personal card or note, prayer can connect you, a veteran and God in a meaningful and productive way.

There are five specific kinds of prayers you can pray for veterans (or, with a few small changes, for a specific veteran):

1) To Feel Honored

“God, please let every veteran of our nation’s armed forces feel truly and appropriately honored by the attention and appreciation of their fellow citizens. Let no one feel forgotten or neglected. Let every man and woman, young or old, feel the deep and enduring gratitude of our nation and its inhabitants.”

 2) To Be Understood

“Father God, You know that it can be difficult for a person who has returned from battle or stressful military service to reintegrate into ‘normal’ everyday life. You know that veterans can feel isolated and alone even in the midst of their friends and families because there are few around who understand their experience. So I ask You to place in the path of our veterans those who do understand (or strive to), that they may feel less alone. Remind them often that while their fellow human beings may never fully comprehend, You see, You know and You identify with them in everything.”

 4) To Be Rewarded

“Father, please turn your gaze to those men and women who in their military service have sacrificed time, comfort, strength, ambition, health and prosperity for the peace and safety of family and friends and others they’ve never even known. Please reward them a hundredfold for all their sacrifice and service. Bless them far beyond all their expectations. Reward them richly for all they have given.”

 5) To Know You

“Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. You know their deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. You know their needs, both material and spiritual. Please draw each one closer to you and grant them all the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7), the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts (Colossians 3:15), and ‘joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand’ forevermore (Psalm 16:11).”

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever.” - Psalm 118:1