
November 13, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 11

Cold Weather & Dress Code

The cold weather is here.  We go outside for recess every day unless it is pouring rain.  Please bring weather appropriate clothing for recess.  When there is snow, students need to have boots and snow pants. Remember to send sneakers for PE. We recommend a reusable shopping bag to carry and store the extra gear needed for winter and ask that you please put names on items.

Most students are doing really well with our uniform dress code standards this year.  Here are a few reminders because of some things we have seen.

Here are the links if you would like to review the dress code standards: 

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

Costco Hotdogs

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Thanksgiving Week

Monday: Normal Schedule, Feast for PK/Y5

Tuesday: Normal Schedule, Feast for K-8

Wednesday-Friday: No School (DC Wed until 3pm)

Volunteers are needed to help with food prep, serving, and clean up.  Classes will provide the menu items so please see the note sent home with your student(s) or you may view the K – 8th letter online here: 

There is an area at the bottom of the letter to sign up to help.

Advent Fair

The Advent Fair is coming soon!

The Advent Fair is appropriate for all ages. It is two hours of fun, craft-making, cookie-eating fellowship! This year we will be making advent center pieces, door wreaths, painted ornaments and more. All the supplies are furnished. If you aren’t “crafty” don’t worry your kids will show you how! We will also have cookies and hot cider.

Please sign-up in advance if you know that you will be able to attend. This helps us figure out

how many supplies to provide.

Also, if you have evergreen trees that need a little pruning so you can help provide some of the greenery, please call Cathy at 881-4278 to volunteer (PIP hours available).

Mark your calendars: Saturday, December 2nd 3-5pm.

A flyer will be sent home with students and it is also posted on the school website: 

“Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!”  - Romans 7:25