
October 16, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 7

Auction Tickets

Remember to purchase your auction tickets!  $50/each or $500 for a table of 10.  Also a reminder that we have childcare (for children over age 1 available from 4:30-10:00 on auction night.  This care is in our church fellowship hall.  A pizza dinner will be provided and the suggested donation is $5/child, maximum $10/family. Please use the sign up form/release for childcare: 

Tickets and auction night childcare may be purchased with cash, check, or by Venmo.  

Our Fundraising Venmo account is St_Pauls

Please include your name, number of tickets or childcare spots, and a phone number in the message line of the Venmo transaction.   

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Cookie Dough

The annual PTL fundraiser for Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough is coming soon.  Order form packets will be coming home with students so please watch for it in the backpack. 

No School Wed-Fri

There is no school this Wed-Fri October 18-20 as teachers are attending a training conference.  For those attending the day camp program, please remember to bring a lunch each day.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

You should start seeing email from your teachers soon to sign up for your conference times so please watch for that note.  Teachers use Sign-Up Genius to set up conference appointments.

Elementary/Prep Morning Reminders

School begins for Prep (5th-8th) at 8:15am.  School begins for all other grades at 8:30.  The school doors in the church building open at 8:05.  Morning care is available for our students enrolled in the Enrichment Program for $5/day.  Students should not be ringing the doorbell for entrance to school before 8:05 unless they have an appointment or are coming in for morning care.

Also, if you need to leave your vehicle or your student needs extra time/help exiting your vehicle, please move into a parking spot to keep the car line moving.

“Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” - Revelation 3:20