
January 8, 2024 Trimester 2  Issue 4

Ski PE Day

Our school ski PE day for grades Kindergarten-8th will be Friday, January 12. 

Please make sure to complete the online sign-up form for everyone who will be skiing.  Here is the link: 

(Scroll to Ski PE)

PTL covers the cost for all K-8 students.  If you have any questions, contact the school office.

Silverwood Read 2 Ride Program

Our school was once again chosen to participate in this program.  Students in grades PK-6th can earn a free Silverwood ticket by reading 10hrs between Jan 1 and Mar 31.  Reading logs were sent home with students.  Turn them in once the 10 hours are met with your choice of a printed or emailed ticket.  Contact the school office with any questions.

PIP Opportunity

On Friday of National Lutheran Schools Week, PTL will be sponsoring a pancake lunch for all students in K-8.  Sausage with all you can eat pancakes will be served.  Kitchen help is needed cooking pancakes, serving food, and clean up.  Friday January 26 from 11:30-1:30.  If you would like to help, please use the sign-up link below: 

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

NLSW Activities & Events

For National Lutheran School Week, we will be collecting donations of personal items for people in need for the Grace House.

Each day will have a dress-up opportunity as well as fun activities for students.  Next week the list of theme-dress days and daily donations will be included in the Parentline.

Donations may be brought daily or all at once.

No School

School is closed on Monday Jan. 15 for MLK day and on Tuesday Jan 16 for a staff training day.  Childcare and the Enrichment program will be closed on Monday, but open on Tuesday.

National Lutheran Schools Week

During the week of January 22-26, our school is joining with other Lutheran Schools throughout the US in celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week.

 Dr. Alan Freeman, who is the Director of LCMS School Ministry for the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, explains what this week is all about.

National Lutheran Schools Week is an annual celebration that promotes the important role of Lutheran schools in the United States and around the world.

The theme for the 2023–2024

school year celebration is “Connected,” inspired by John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

The theme “Connected” emphasizes the importance of staying connected to God and to one another when we face challenges and difficulties and when we share in joys and triumphs! It encourages Lutheran schools to continue to cultivate an environment of faith, love and fellowship, where students can learn, grow and thrive.

Throughout National Lutheran Schools Week, Lutheran schools organize various activities and events such as chapel services, prayer gatherings, community service projects and special programs that highlight the theme of being connected to God and to each other. These celebrations provide an opportunity for Lutheran schools to come together and celebrate our Lutheran mission and values, which guide our Lutheran schools as they serve students and families.

“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.” -Job 22:21